I decided to add my two cents to the comparison of selling handmade jewelry on Etsy versus Indie Made. I’ve had a shop on Etsy since December 2008. I set up a shop on Indie Made in July 2014. I’ve had 74 sales on Etsy and none on Indie Made. You may be thinking those stats would stack the deck in favor of Etsy for this review. Not so fast. Continue reading
Category Archives: Techniques & Tips
Jewelry Design Challenge: Greek God Dionysus
The theme for week three of May’s Self-Representing Artists in Jewelry Design challenge was “Dionysus, god of wine, parties, madness, and ecstasy.” I had to put away the polymer clay I’ve been using to create my designs for these challenges because it’s too darned hot in the studio (a.k.a. my non-air conditioned kitchen) this time of year, and overly warm clay is extremely uncooperative. Continue reading
When Good Design Ideas Go Bad
I don’t always sketch my jewelry design ideas before getting to the business of assembling a necklace, earrings, etc. When I do sketch, it’s very rough and tends to resemble one of my old cellular biology lab assignments where every little part is labeled and has a line connecting the label to the doodad.
So maybe it’s not too surprising that there are times I have to go back to the bead board because the execution of my idea does not connect to my vision of the design. Here’s an example of what I thought was a pretty good design idea (in my mind’s eye and in my doodling) that went so badly some of it ended up in the trash. Continue reading
Weekly Jewelry Design Challenge: Earth Element
I am participating in the monthly and weekly themed jewelry design challenges on the Self Representing Artists in Jewelry Design blog. The theme for April is “elements” and the first weekly challenge was “earth.”
I immediately thought “green” for this theme, because when I think of the earth element I imagine lush green plants and blooms. (I’m getting to the yellow beads part, I promise.) I have made many green beaded jewelry designs, but the point of the challenge is to create something new, and more than that, to challenge your own limits. Continue reading
Spice Up Your Polymer Clay
A few weeks ago I was inspired to add some matcha to translucent polymer clay. I loved the lush earthy green color I got. But I only made three test beads, because I wasn’t sure what would happen to the color during baking. As soon as I pulled them out of the oven, I knew I needed to make more. And to try other spices too.
This weekend I made a bigger batch of matcha beads. And then I tested three other spices: tumeric, cayenne, and cloves. Delish. No, they don’t smell like the spices once baked. (Oh but wouldn’t that be divine?) Once again, I only made a few testers from each spice, and once again, I wish I had made more. Glorious colors. Continue reading
Finding What Works: Jewelry Design Diagnosis
Sometimes I take my jewelry apart and re-do it. I don’t like to. It feels wasteful to cut off crimps and things that can’t be re-used. Sort of like ripping seams out of a costume when I sew. Can’t re-use all that thread.
But sometimes, seams have to be ripped and crimps have to be cut. Because the design just doesn’t work or didn’t come together the way I envisioned. Continue reading
Fun with Mixed-Media Faux Effects Tutorials
I know I should have been outside enjoying the warmer weather this weekend, but the tree pollen was killing me. Or at least making me feel like death on a cracker. So, I stayed inside with my HEPA filters and played with polymer clay and two fabulously fun faux finish tutorials I bought on Etsy. Continue reading
A Clay-filled 3-day Weekend
It’s been a wonderful clay-filled three-day weekend (Happy Birthday, Mr. Presidents! and thanks for the holiday). After almost two months of abstaining from playing with polymer clay, or making jewelry, or anything else remotely creative because of tendonitis in my wrist, there was so much I wanted to accomplish in the studio. Not the least of which is trying out some of the polymer clay extruder techniques I’ve been pinning. Continue reading
Etsy Quick Tip: faux breadcrumbs
Breadcrumbs are webpage navigation aids that help you get back to where you started. They usually run horizontally across the top of a page, beneath the title bar. For example, if you visited a website and started on the home page, clicked the jewelry tab, and then the earrings section, your breadcrumbs might look something like Home > Jewelry > Earrings. Continue reading
Valentine’s Fun with Cookie Candy Molds

White chocolate-covered Oreo Valentine’s cookies
I love to bake. I am not a fan of eating baked goods, preferring savory and salty treats like chips and salsa. But I love to bake. Cookies. Brownies. Pies. Whoopie pies (which are actually cakes and not pies). Gourmet cupcakes. Yeast breads. Etc. Continue reading