Ten Tips for Aspiring Etsy Shop Owners

I’ve been advising a friend who was trying to get her Etsy shop up and running. Well, actually, she wasn’t. Until I started nagging and peer-pressuring her into it. I acted out of love. I love her crocheted hats and headbands, and own more than a few. I get asked “where’d you get that?” every time I wear one. Followed by the inevitable: “Is she on Etsy?” (she is now – go check it out, and then come back here to finish reading)

She’s been selling via her Facebook page, and at craft shows, quite successfully. But having an online shop opens up a wider world of possible customers, including the handful of people who aren’t on FB. There are many marketplaces on the web where you can open a shop to sell your handmade goods. Etsy happens to be the one I stumbled upon first. Continue reading

The Meaning of Dragonflies

purple dragonfly ornament

Polymer clay dragonfly ornament

I seem to have a small dragonfly obsession, which expresses itself in my jewelry designs. In the summer and fall of 2013, I created a “flight” of dragonfly designs. (That’s what you call a group of dragonflies.) I didn’t dwell on the deeper meaning at the time. But I have looked up the meaning of dragonflies more than once.

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Accessorizing Radiant Orchid – 2014 Color of the Year

Paisley Lizard logo in radiant orchid pantone color 2014

Art credit: Lauren Williams, OMG designs

In case you haven’t heard, Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2014 is Radiant Orchid (Pantone 18-3224).  I asked my graphic designer extraordinaire – Lauren Williams/OMG designs – to re-color my logo and make a Facebook cover image in homage to this trend.  Doesn’t Paisley look fabulous in this pink-ish purple-ish hue? Continue reading

Celebrating My Five-Year Etsy-versary!

graphic of Paisley Lizard logo with horn

Paisley Lizard celebrates 5 years on Etsy. Art credit: Lauren Williams, OMG designs.

Five years ago today I opened a shop on Etsy. My original Etsy shop name was “Moonlighting Jewelry.”

I knew long before then that I wanted my business name to be Paisley Lizard, but making a logo that went with the name was beyond my abilities. So I went with a name even I, with my limited PhotoShop skills (and help from a more graphic savvy friend), could create a logo to represent. Continue reading

Introduction to the Paisley Lizard

Paisley Lizard logo

The Paisley Lizard logo, designed by Lauren Williams/OMG designs.

Welcome to the first blog post from Paisley Lizard, my creative alter ego. I thought I’d kick off my blogging adventure by telling you my story.

I have a career in environmental compliance that followed from an education in biology, chemistry, oceanography, and wildlife management. I create things with words: policy document, environmental impact assessments, technical reports, various and assorted emails and memoranda. It’s fulfilling to contribute, in my small way, to conservation of precious marine resources. Continue reading