I’m hosting a jewelry design challenge and blog hop in November. The theme is “Superstition” and the reveal date is Friday, November 13th. Read on to learn more about the theme, how you can join in, and how to win a limited-edition Lucky Black Cat bead.
The second Friday in November is the third Friday the 13th of 2015. It’s not often we have three Friday the 13ths in the same year. Most years have only one. I decided we need to celebrate this somewhat rare occurrence with a virtual party. A blog hop party, that is.
Very Superstitious
Some people fear the number 13, believing it brings bad luck. That’s called triskaidekaphobia. Meanwhile, other people believe 13 is a lucky number. There’s no special term for that, as far as I know. When the thirteenth day of a month falls on a Friday, some consider that even worse luck. That’s called friggatriskaidekaphobia. That’s just a fun word to say.
Whether you believe the number 13 is lucky or unlucky, that’s a superstition. Superstition is the belief in supernatural causality, that one event causes another without a natural process linking the two events. Or, to quote Stevie Wonder, it’s “when you believe in things that you don’t understand.”
Many common superstitions involve beliefs or practices surrounding luck. For example, having a cricket in your home or finding a penny face up will bring you good luck. But walking under a ladder or opening an umbrella in the house will bring bad luck. Break a mirror? That’s seven years of back luck for you. If you believe in that sort of thing.

This is Tonks the Manx, the official Lucky Black Cat for the Superstition Blog Hop. She was adopted earlier this year by my friend, Courtney, and has been living the pampered life ever since.
In the United States and several European countries, black cats are commonly considered signs of bad luck. Yet in Japan and Britain, they are considered symbols of good luck. I happen to think cats are just plain awesome to have around, in any color.
Win a Lucky Black Cat Bead
Black cats make a fun focal for a jewelry design. Which is why I made a limited edition batch of Lucky Black Cat beads and cabochons to give away for this hop. If you’d like a chance to win one to use as part of your design for my Superstition Blog Hop, leave a comment on this blog post and complete the blog hop sign-up form below.

These Lucky Black Cat beads, created especially for this Superstition Blog Hop, are made from polymer clay. I chose a neutral background to give jewelry designers more color options when incorporating them into designs. They are about 23 cm wide by 32 cm long.
You can specify in your comment (and on the sign-up form) whether you would prefer a bead (center drilled lengthwise), a cabochon (no hole), or a pendant (hole at top). I can’t promise you will get your preference; that depends on how many people sign up.
The first 13 people to comment on this post asking for a Lucky Black Cat bead/cab, will win one. Provided they have active blogs and signed-up to join the hop. If they don’t/didn’t, the prize will go to the next eligible commenter.
These Lucky Black Cat beads were handmade by me, from polymer clay, in my original design. Each one is unique. I am giving them away for free, and covering shipping expenses as well. All I ask in return is that the winners commit to using them in a jewelry design, to be completed and shared in a blog post on the reveal date.
Superstitious Blog Hop Details
Theme: Superstition. Choose any superstitions you like, from any culture. Mix and match if the spirit moves you. If you need inspiration, check out this list of some common superstitions.
What: Make jewelry using any symbols, charms, or totems of your choosing in as many jewelry designs as you’d like. Use any media, any style, any technique. If you are the winner of one of the Lucky Black Cat beads, please use it in one of your designs. Then, write a blog post with photos of your jewelry designs and tell us about them and which superstitions inspired them.
When: Reveal your jewelry designs and join the blog hop on Friday, November 13, 2015.
Where: The hop starts here, on my blog. From there, you visit the other participants’ blogs in any order you choose. You don’t have to visit all the blogs in one day. But it is considered polite to stop by and comment on each one as soon as you are able. If you aren’t familiar with blog hops, you might check out my post on what to expect from a blog hop for a little background and basic etiquette.
How: Complete the sign-up form to have your blog address included in the Superstition Blog Hop participant list. The form is open from 12 am EDT on August 13, 2015 to midnight EDT on August 20, 2015. If you’re having trouble with the form, you can email me at PaisleyLizardDesigns@gmail.com. (Edit – I’m told the form may not work on mobile devices. Sorry about that. If you can’t get to a computer, send me your blog address, email, etc. via email.)
The Superstition Blog Hop Badge
Here is the “official” badge for the Superstition Blog Hop. You can add it to your blog’s sidebar to let your readers know about the hop. If you can link it to this blog post, to help spread the word, that would be wonderful. The url to link to is https://paisleylizard.com/2015/08/superstition-blog-hop-sign-ups/
And now …the Small Print
The winners of the Lucky Black Cat beads will be announced here on my blog on August 22nd, along with the list of participants and their blog addresses. I will also contact the winners via the emails provided in the sign-up form. Beads will be mailed, via USPS First Class, by September 1st to allow you plenty of time to work on your design.
To be on the Superstition Blog Hop participant list, you must have an active blog. What’s “active” you ask? It means you post frequently or regularly. If you haven’t posted in the last month, your blog is bordering on “couch potato.” If it’s been more than a few months since your last post, your blog is practically comatose.
Fair warning: I will check on your blog to confirm that it is active. If the link you provided in the sign-up form does not work, your blog address will not be on the published participant list. If your blog has cobwebs from many months of neglect, you will not be eligible to win one of the Lucky Black Cat beads.
I will mail the Lucky Black Cat beads to the addresses winners provided in their sign-up forms. If the address you provided on the form is incorrect and the package is returned to me, I will not re-mail it unless you opt to reimburse me for the additional postage via PayPal.
If you want a chance to win a Lucky Black Cat bead/cab/pendant, please (1) leave a comment on this blog post, and (2) complete the sign-up form.
Also, do not panic if your comment doesn’t show up right away. I use comment moderation to control the spam. I have to manually approve some comments. But they are all date stamped and, once approved, will appear in the order they were submitted.
Good luck!
Oh! I love this and an signing up. Beautiful work, Tammy!
I want a black cat pendant please. Thank you
Please remember to fill out the sign-up form, Brandy.
Thanks, Renee, and welcome aboard. 😉
I want lucky black cat bead 🙂
Thanks for signing up, Betony.
Hi Tammy,
The concept is so inspiring. I love it. Though I haven’t worked with PC, I would love to join as this is surely a challenge.
Thank you, Coral. Polymer clay beads are lots of fun to work with.
Oooo, Friday the 13rh, such a lucky day for me always! And I’ll feel lucky to get one of these beads! Signing up now.
Thanks for signing up, Lee. I think Friday the 13th is a pretty fun day.
I love this idea, and would love to design some jewelry around one of your black cat beads or pendants! Super excited, signing up now.
Thanks so much, Jeanette. Looking forward to seeing your designs.
i would love to be one of the lucky 13!
Thanks for signing up, Shaiha.
Hi Tammy,
Love the idea of the blog hop! I have always loved the number 13, since I was born on the 13th, and I especially love it when it falls on a Friday with a full moon 🙂
I would love a chance to win one of your black cat beads (center drilled lengthwise) – they are fantastic!
Thanks so much, Beth. Friday the 13th b’days are great. Especially on full moons. 😉
I hope I made it to be one of the lucky ones!
Thanks for signing up, Robin. Looks like it was your lucky day.
Yay! Can’t wait for this one! If I’m lucky enough to get one surprise me with the type!
Thanks for signing up, Lori. And for being flexible about the kind of focal.
Am I superstitious????? perhaps. I do love black cats, and yours are just the cutest black cats.
I would love to be a lucky winner/participant . and 13 is my lucky number and friday the 13 is always a good day for me .
My blog is not as active as I’d like it to be and by joining in more blog hops i hope to improve that quite a bit.
I would love to win a pendant top or centre drilled doesnt matter but I dont do a lot with cabs.
Thanks so much, Deb. Joining blog hops are a great way to get more visits to your blog. You can also post about random things any time. Share a photo, a poem, etc.
I would love to participate in this fun black cat blog hop! I would like a bead or pendant to design with! I love the blog hop mascot!! 🐾😺
Thanks for signing up, Michelle. Tonks is an adorable mascot, isn’t she?
Would love to participate. These beads are adorable. I haven’t posted to my blog in a few months though, my work schedule is crazy in the summer. I hope I still have a chance.
Thanks, Maria. I understand crazy work schedules. Try to find things to write short posts about every week, or just share a photo now and again. Not every blog post has to be epic. 😉
I hope I make it!
Thanks for signing up, Kim. 😀
I usually refrain from using the number 13 and I am marginally scared of black cats, but I love cats and love jewellery so I think I am the perfect participant for this blog hop. I hope I side one of the drilled cat beads 🙂
Thanks for signing up, Divya, despite all the 13s and black cats. 😉
Love the idea, love black cats and the number 13, I’m on my way to sign up.
Thanks for signing up, Karin.
Friday the 13th and Black Cats.
Always been a lu7cky day for me. My black cat Romeo says hello !
Your beads look wonderful and those who get them will be lucky indeed !
Thanks so much, Mowse. I hope we get to see a photo of Romeo on reveal day.
I’m not one of the lucky 13, I don’t think, but if my name comes up, I would prefer a bead but will work with anything. I love the theme and look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.
Thanks so much for signing up,Carole. And you never know what could happen with the beads. 😉
Tammy, I’m so excited because I think I’ll be getting a cat bead! I’m trying to copy your badge code for my blog, but I can’t get it. Could you send it to me via e-mail or FB when you get a chance, please? I’ve got so many great ideas for this blog hop jewelry piece! Thanks for doing this : )
Can’t wait to see your ideas, Renee. And glad the code I sent worked for you.
I love the idea of this blog hop, there are so many different superstitions. I hope that I am one of the lucky ones to get a cat bead, but if not, thats ok. I am still going to make something neat for this.
Thanks for signing up, Rebecca. Looking forward to seeing your designs.
i love all hallows eve, and superstitions!!! the day of the dead is one of my favorites, black cats and the number 13. 13 has been my favorite number since i was old enough to pick a favorite number. My favorite tv shows were always the munsters, adams family, bewitched, and i dream of genie, any thing magical. So spook away and let me have the black cat bead!!!!
Thanks for signing up, Shawneen. Those were some of my favorite tv shows too.
Lovely! I love anything based on Superstition. Cabachon for the Bead Embroiderer.
Thanks for joining in, Catherine.
I missed the cut for one of those gorgeous beads but I am heading over to sign up for the blog hop…What fun…See you Friday the 13th!
Thanks so much for joining in, Brooke.
would love to participate! I so thought I signed up for this one…glad for Betony’s reminder 🙂
Thanks for signing up, Kari. I’m glad Betony posted a reminder. 🙂
Hi Tammy, This is a great idea for a blog hop and i will do my best to join in. I thought I had signed up on the 13th but it was my birthday and I was easily distracted! Your reveal date is also the tentative date for my total knee replacement surgery but I’ll try to get organized to make something well before that date and post it on the 12th after midnight. Hopping shouldn’t be a problem but I may be a day or two late. So many people think Friday the 13th is unlucky but it’s always been lucky for me being my birthday!
Welcome aboard, Nan. And happy belated birthday! When you wrote that hopping shouldn’t be a problem, I was still thinking about your planned knee surgery and it took me a second to catch up that you meant the blog hop. LOL.
Those are cute little beads that you made. And Tonks is a beautiful cat. Being the owner of one black cat and one dark charcoal cat, and having had another black one in the past that lived to 21 year old, I know what special beings they are.
Thank you, Mona. And I will pass the compliment on to Tonks and her guardian. 🙂
I don’t know how I missed this. I follow your blog.
Please sign me up for the blog hop. I am probably too late for a bead but I would a pendant if available.
Glad you caught the post, Carolyn. Remember to fill out the sign-up form or send me an email with your info.